Tinylytics Updates
The official companion update, and changelog, blog to Tinylytics.
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β€’ πŸš€ Not exactly a new feature, so it should have the other emoji πŸ‘Ύ, however today I've made changes to the the way the site list loads. It was always slow, especially for sites with a lot of hits. Well, no more. It's near instant. In addition to this, the site list now updates automatically when your hits update β€” I really love this a lot! It's all automatic on a site by site basis. Next up would be to also update the site dashboard itself, I'll work on that one day. β€’ πŸ‘Ύ Made some underlying tweaks when...

A new changelog site

You know, one of the reasons I created Scribbles (where this is written) is for exactly for this reason, to have a quick way to get updates out for all my little side projects β€” and switch between them. And now there is the Tinylytics Changelog that you can find here. It comes with an RSS feed also, so you can get crazy and subscribe if you're using it. It's super easy. You can still find the old one here, but please know I won't be updating it anymore β€” there is some archived stuff there, which might be useful...

β€’ πŸš€ Introduced our new changelog, this one! This is just way easier for me to manage. If you want to see the old one, you can find it here. β€’ πŸ› Fixed an issue that didn't mark subscription as expired. β€’ πŸ‘Ύ When your subscription expires, we will also stop all uptime monitors. β€’ 😱 We're slowly enforcing the limits of the free plan, and you're now limited to creating only 5 sites on the free plan. More to do here. β€’ 🧹 Gave the billing page a little polish.

β€’ πŸš€ Added the ability to archive sites. Check out the update blog post here for more details. β€’ πŸ‘Ύ Added paging to the site dashboard. 12 sites are shown as a default and then you’ll see a pager. Change this in your user profile page, with a maximum of 25. β€’ πŸ‘Ύ Added the ability to filter through Paused, Archived and Active sites. Paused sites will no longer show in the main dashboard, unless you’re on the specific β€œpaused” page.

Introducing archived sites

I'm happy to introduce the ability to archive your site data. You might be running that blog, site or page that is no longer used β€” but you want to hold onto the data for archival purpose β€” look at those good times, or bad. Well, now you can. Enabled for paid subscribers, just head on over to your site settings and at the bottom find the "Archive Site" setting.This does a few things once you confirm that you want to archive: β€’ It'll immediately pause any stats being collected. β€’ It'll remove any public viewing stats, if enabled, stop...

Unique hits data

During the weekend I added the ability to surface unique hit data, or as some call it, unique sessions. If you're subscribed to the paid plan, you have the ability to enable unique hit data to be collected. Granted, this has been available for some time now, but never surfaced.Unique hits basically pass a one time random token to the browser that is visiting your site and saves it in a place called session storage. Session storage is super temporary and is only persisted as long as you're on the website, which means when you close the site, it will...

A new custom way to ignore hits

As I'm developing Scribbles I wanted an easy way to ignore hits of logged in users, without having to do any trickery with adding an ignore via localStorage. The need for this came because a blog could have Tinylytics enabled, and if it was your blog, it would always register a hit β€” and like any good blogger you probably check your blog a lot. On top of this, the blog shows up on the main scribbles.page domain, for example a blog could be here: scribbles.page/updates. It doesn't have to be "updates" as such, but you catch my drift. However,...

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