Tinylytics Updates
May 23rd, 2024

A new changelog site

You know, one of the reasons I created Scribbles (where this is written) is for exactly for this reason, to have a quick way to get updates out for all my little side projects — and switch between them.

And now there is the Tinylytics Changelog that you can find here. It comes with an RSS feed also, so you can get crazy and subscribe if you're using it. It's super easy.

You can still find the old one here, but please know I won't be updating it anymore — there is some archived stuff there, which might be useful to some of you.

Initially I wanted to have these here on the same blog, separated by categories, but I do like the separation of both the blog and smaller updates... just feels better.

Thanks for reading and following.

Update: Note that the changlog is now part of this blog instead of a separate one. Just me simplifying.